
Why Mobile-Friendly Websites Matter

Why Mobile-Friendly Websites Matter

Did you know that over 50% of web searches begin on a mobile device? If you’ve been debating whether or not to hire a web development and SEO company to improve your online presence, this article is for you. Have you considered the many potential customers who use the...

Making Sense Of Marketing Jargon: Battle Of The Buzzwords

Making Sense Of Marketing Jargon: Battle Of The Buzzwords

Professional SEO firms across the world speak fluent marketing jargon. Being in the professional SEO industry, it can become second nature to assume that the larger population knows what we're talking about when we're tossing around marketing-speak and innumerable...

5 Reasons to Have a Custom Designed Website

5 Reasons to Have a Custom Designed Website

While websites that aren’t maintained regularly will often require major repairs after one or two years, a website that is consistently updated and maintained can last as long as seven years without a major rebuild. A few Google searches is all it takes to realize...

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