
Modern Marketing, Adapt or Face Extinction

Modern Marketing, Adapt or Face Extinction

I was looking up statistics on small businesses the other day and found a statistic that came as something of a surprise to me. Did you know that over 500,000 new businesses are started every single year in the U.S.?* Another fact you might not realize is that by this...

Choosing the Right Stock Image

Choosing the Right Stock Image

Professional photographers are wonderful, but they aren’t always in the budget. Thankfully, Studio98 has access to stock photography. However it is possible to overuse stock photography, or choose photos that don’t work for your brand. Here are some tips when...

What is a Home Page and What Should Be On It?

What is a Home Page and What Should Be On It?

What is a Home Page? Your Home Page is usually the first thing people see when they come to your website. It’s also one of the most important pieces of your online presence. Home Pages can be designed in many ways, using many styles, but there are certain exact things...

How To Not Waste Money Using Pay Per Click

How To Not Waste Money Using Pay Per Click

How To Not Waste Money on a PPC (Pay Per Click) Campaign I have done hundreds of analyses on Google Adwords campaigns that were being managed either by other PPC companies or the clients themselves. Doing so I have noticed a mistake people make continually, either...

Good Photos Make a Design Great

Good Photos Make a Design Great

The right photo takes a good design, and makes it stunning. Sometimes the right photo is the solution to the “Something is missing” problem. Here is a list of things to look for that make a good photo: Contrast – Contrast is the number one thing that attracts the...

Website Flow

Website Flow

All websites have goals. You want your viewer to notice the most most important information first. You want people to be presented with the right information at the right time. One way to achieve that is to control the flow and rhythm of your composition....

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