So you've decided to create or redesign your website and have chosen a design company…what now? The first thing that you need to do is get in contact with your design team. There are a few things to keep in mind though when you are working with them. The first thing...
The Power of Visual Hierarchy
One problem I see all too often in websites is the failure to use good hierarchy. Visual hierarchy is the most important principle of web design. It’s the order in which the human eye perceives what it sees. Essentially which things visually stand out as having the...
Trust Your Team
I remember as a kid when I went to summer camp we did this “trust” exercise where we were broken into groups of people. Often times we were put with people we didn’t know and then asked to fall into the crowd. Looking back it seems silly, but at the time I didn’t know...
How Fonts Affect Your Users Experience
Recently, Researchers at MIT conducted a study which proved that fonts can impact how we feel. A bad font can make us unconsciously feel bad, while a good font can make us happy. We relate fonts and font styles to our past experiences. This is often influenced by the...
Driving Traffic and Staying Balanced
Recently I listened to an article on NPR’s afternoon show “Here and Now” about how click-baiting will affect the world of journalism. Click-baiting is when you use an eye catching picture or link that encourages people to click on it to view more info.It addressed...
How Does Responsive Design Affect Search Engine Optimization?
By now, I'm sure you've heard of the term "responsive design". Responsive design is a way to ensure your website is easily viewable on a variety of mobile devices. Did you know that responsive design also affects where your site appears in the search results on...
Responsive Web Design
What is “responsive” web design? What does it mean when someone says my site is “responsive”, or “mobile friendly”? This is a questions I get asked almost everyday by clients. We created all of our websites to be responsive. This is a newer technology, so not everyone...
Everyone Scrolls. Why Above the Fold Websites Don’t Exist.
"Above the fold"– it is the most coveted area on the website. The fold is the portion of the website that allows you to view it without scrolling. However, in modern society, the concept of the fold is difficult to pin down. When referencing newspapers, above the fold...
How Do You Know What Looks Good?
As a designer, I get asked this question often. Instead of replying, “I just know”, I have decided to give a few basic tips to help the non-designers out there. Take a look at your current website and see if you miss the mark on these points. If so, you should...
Content: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!
As an Account Rep and resident content writer I often get asked by clients and peers what makes good content for a site. There are several things to consider when you are working on content for a new site or even an existing site that you may have. Having the best...