Everyone knows that your company is not all about the logo. Your brand is about the way people perceive your company as a whole. Great and consistent design,however,is starting off on the right foot. Your design is the face of your company. It’s important that you...
Choosing The Right Font For Your Website
When you start working on your website, you have to accept that your content will change. It's impossible to predict what will be written in a year from now. This means the way the paragraph looks on the web page will always be changing. How can you be sure your...
If You Build It, Will They Come?
That's a good question. Sometimes "they" do and sometimes "they" don't. As I kid I remember watching a movie where a farmer built a baseball field in his corn crop. He only did it because he wanted a specific someone to come, and he was assured that they would. If you...
Choosing The Right Domain Name
Choosing a domain name is a design in itself. The right domain name is just as important as the overall design of your website. A domain name plays an important role when people find, recall, talk about, or search for your website. A good domain will...
You Get What You Pay For
When you are looking for any service, you shop around. I'm sure you have come across sites like "Fiverr" and Elance". These sites promise great, authentic design and VERY low prices. But what are you really getting for $5? I've followed the blog of Sacha Greif, as he...
Why You Should Update Your Browser
Is Your Browser Is Too Old? Everyone that uses Web pages on a computer uses a Web browser. This is how you access sites like Facebook and Twitter. Many people commonly use the program that opens when you click the big blue “e” icon on your desktop. The “e” icon is...
Why You May Want To Think Twice Before Going Local
Globalization is a big topic these days in universities. For us "Millennials", it is a part of our every day lives. We buy foreign cars, wear foreign clothes, and buy anything we can online. We don't think twice about it. This doesn't happen all the time,...
The key to creating a website you love is being able to communicate your vision. When you aren’t familiar with a lot of the web terms, sometimes this can be a difficult thing. Here are some useful terms from Smashing Magazine that will help you communicate your vision...
Don’t Be Defined By Mediocrity
One of the things as an Account Rep that I come across is a client showing me a competitor's site or a site of someone in their industry that they like or want to be like. This can serve as a good and a bad thing. The good of this is that we as designers and account...
Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth
I stumbled across a great quote from Michael Arrington, who is the co-editor of TechCrunch.“Product should be a dictatorship, not consensus-driven. There are casualties, hurt feelings, angry users. But all of those things are necessary if you’re going to create...