
The Family That Blogs Together…

Stays together. That is a hard learned fact. The whole world knows the power of blogs. Blogs improve exposure, build credibility, and put a “face” on a business. So how do you do it? How do you effectively blog? Consistently blog. There is nothing worse than seeing...

Email Signature? Why would I ever need that?

What’s an email signature anyway? Have you ever received and email seen a block of info about whoever sent the email at the bottom? That is a email Signature, and it basically works the same way as a business card, it creates an opportunity for you to tell someone...

Gambling on Cheap Websites

I have had clients in the past that have gotten to the point in their company's life cycle where they must have a custom design. They've grown up out of the cheap template websites or they don't have time to keep being a designer or programmer themselves because their...

Is Going Local Better?

When asking yourself if local is the better choice consider the following. I got off the phone with someone recently that told me, "I want to go local because we hired someone and they moved away and now we can't get ahold of them." Or sometimes I hear, "I want to go...

How Does Your Website Make You Feel?

Take a minute to think about how you feel regarding your website. Embarrassed? Out of touch? Neglectful? I talk with people all the time who feel these things about their site, yet do nothing to correct it or are out there looking for another mediocre product. Your...

What Can I Do With My Site?

This is one of the most common questions I get from my potential clients. I feel compelled to write about a few things I look for to give suggestions on their websites because it's very simple. Basics are key to success. This is listed more important to least...

Price By Project or By Hour?

The other day I had an interesting call with someone that wanted to go with a company that would quote out their website project by the estimated hours versus by the overall project, like we do here, and I felt that others would find it interesting why we don't do...

Websites Are Your Online Storefronts

It's important to realize that building a custom website is much like building a new storefront for your business. Both require blueprints, proofs, well thought out plans and money. Below are a few points to help address many of the common misconceptions we come...

Don’t Use Joe for Design

At one point or another your company will need a new logo or brochure made. You have two choices when this time comes 1) use your in-house jack of all trades to whip up a design in Microsoft paint, or 2) hire an professional graphic designer to do the job for you....

Word of the Week: Hash

A hash is something that grinds up data… in a consistent way. Yeah, dumb subject.Maybe not.Here’s the beef: I find the concept of hashing so fascinating that I felt compelled to blog about it, because it’s so interesting.It is also absolutely critical to security and...

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