If you look directly into the sun without proper eye protection, for an extended period of time, you will go blind; The high radiation levels being emitted from the sun will burn your retina and you won't feel a thing (your retina doesn't sense pain, only light.) In...
Outsourcing Advantageously
Good outsourcing requires solid fiscal knowledge of a variety of locales. Word on the street says that outsourcing is the most profitable and practical way to cut costs and efficiently handle small and large workloads with minimal risk. Before taking the plunge for...
Efficiency Part 1: The Rudiments
In an age of electronic gadgetry and wizardry, it is easy to get distracted. Ensuring maximum efficiency while producing solid results should be in the mind of every individual within a company. Being efficient requires discipline and creative thinking. You will need...
Are There Really SEO Gurus or Are Some Guys Just Lucky?
For many people SEO is often a product that doesn't live up to the marketing hype you hear about it. More than one business has shelled out thousands of dollars to an SEO firm only to discover that while their title tags were optimized, their website traffic remained...
Funny or Failure? Adding Humor to Your Marketing Campaign
When it comes to building your brand through marketing, it can be tough to stand out. To distinguish yourself from similar businesses and products while working under the looming notion that "it's" already been done. The use of humor is a timeless approach for...
What Exactly is a Blog?
According to Technorati (a blog search engine), in 2008 there were over 112 million blogs.More than 2 blogs are created every second of each day (circa 175,000 new blogs a day) and there are about 18.6 posts per second (1.6 million per day).A blog is a Content...
Are You Feeling Lucky, Well Are You…..?
When I was growing up, several of my friends always considered me lucky. I don’t exactly know what they were looking at but it felt kind of good to be considered lucky, like there was some guardian angel looking over me. Well it didn’t take long in the real world to...
In a world where the internet is rapidly becoming the largest mass-media advertising platform, you need to consider the participation of your company. The question is, where to start.The two main forms of advertising online are, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and...
Why You Need to Maintain Your Website
After you plan out your website, design it. Promote it, then what? You need to maintain it. You have to control the website by having it function the way you designed it to function. You want it to be updated periodically to incorporate new content and changes. If the...
Free Speech – It’s a Beautiful Thing?
How wonderful to live in a country where you can speak up without fear of reprisals. Your free speech rights are protected by the courts and the power of the Federal government. It’s a beautiful thing – or is it?If all things written or spoken were actually and...