Ask any designer their least favorite words, and they will tell you: "We need a design that WOW's us" or perhaps "Can we make this pop?". People don't always know how to get this WOW factor, but they do know it when they see it. As design professionals, it is our...
Blinded by the Site
Think of that Bruce Springsteen song with a very similar title, but with images on a website. The great thing about websites is that they are visual aids. Your audience tends to shy away from lengthy amounts of text and be more attracted to images. However, there is a...
Your Bad Salesman
We are going to relate your website and presence online to a salesman, because, well it is. Your website is a salesman representing you 24/7, 365 days a year. He is always there. The idea that today you just have to have a website is not totally accurate. You have to...
Don’t Use Joe for Design
At one point or another your company will need a new logo or brochure made. You have two choices when this time comes 1) use your in-house jack of all trades to whip up a design in Microsoft paint, or 2) hire an professional graphic designer to do the job for you....