
Architecture of Your Website

The overall architecture of your site affects your users’ ability to find the information they are looking for and engage with your business effectively. How do you know if your site has information architecture problems? Ask yourself these questions: From the home...

Working With Your Design Team

So you've decided to create or redesign your website and have chosen a design company…what now? The first thing that you need to do is get in contact with your design team. There are a few things to keep in mind though when you are working with them. The first thing...

The Power of Visual Hierarchy

One problem I see all too often in websites is the failure to use good hierarchy. Visual hierarchy is the most important principle of web design. It’s the order in which the human eye perceives what it sees. Essentially which things visually stand out as having the...

Driving Traffic and Staying Balanced

Recently I listened to an article on NPR’s afternoon show “Here and Now” about how click-baiting will affect the world of journalism. Click-baiting is when you use an eye catching picture or link that encourages people to click on it to view more info.It addressed...

Responsive Web Design

What is “responsive” web design? What does it mean when someone says my site is “responsive”, or “mobile friendly”? This is a questions I get asked almost everyday by clients. We created all of our websites to be responsive. This is a newer technology, so not everyone...

If You Build It, Will They Come?

That's a good question. Sometimes "they" do and sometimes "they" don't. As I kid I remember watching a movie where a farmer built a baseball field in his corn crop. He only did it because he wanted a specific someone to come, and he was assured that they would. If you...


The key to creating a website you love is being able to communicate your vision. When you aren’t familiar with a lot of the web terms, sometimes this can be a difficult thing. Here are some useful terms from Smashing Magazine that will help you communicate your vision...

Don’t Be Defined By Mediocrity

One of the things as an Account Rep that I come across is a client showing me a competitor's site or a site of someone in their industry that they like or want to be like. This can serve as a good and a bad thing. The good of this is that we as designers and account...

What Is Responsive Design?

Every time a new device is created, there are more varying screen sizes and orientations to consider. These new devices with new screen sizes are being developed all the time. Each of these devices may be able to handle variations in size. Some  of these devices are...

Don’t BYOD (Bring Your Own Design)

This is a term we have often come across on the back of hastily written party invitations. To me it generally signifies the task or activity you are planning to attend is on a budget or planned only insofar as "getting together". This is perfectly fine and acceptable....

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