Many times when a business decides to redesign or create a new website the first thought they may have is: “How do I make my business stand out?”. As a business you may think that your site needs to be busy and have lots of “pop” or “pizazz” in order to make people...
Random Thoughts
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Using Call to Action Buttons on Your Website
What Is a Call to Action? A Call to Action is a clear direction that encourages the visitor to take action. The most common example is a button or link telling visitors to "Buy Now", "Call For a Free Analysis" or simply "Contact Us". Why Use the Call to Action? A...
Reaching the Finish Line
When working on any project, reaching the finish line and getting the project complete and launched on the web is always the ultimate goal.While working to get their websites done, occasionally some people start to feel that their project will never be “complete”...
Keeping Viewers Interested
You’ve decided that you are going to get a custom website created for your company. You are probably wondering how to keep your customers and viewers interested in your site and how to continue to drive in traffic. In the “Web World” there are a couple of basic ways...
Trust Your Team
I remember as a kid when I went to summer camp we did this “trust” exercise where we were broken into groups of people. Often times we were put with people we didn’t know and then asked to fall into the crowd. Looking back it seems silly, but at the time I didn’t know...
How Fonts Affect Your Users Experience
Recently, Researchers at MIT conducted a study which proved that fonts can impact how we feel. A bad font can make us unconsciously feel bad, while a good font can make us happy. We relate fonts and font styles to our past experiences. This is often influenced by the...
Why You May Want To Think Twice Before Going Local
Globalization is a big topic these days in universities. For us "Millennials", it is a part of our every day lives. We buy foreign cars, wear foreign clothes, and buy anything we can online. We don't think twice about it. This doesn't happen all the time,...
“Hey doesn’t Joe know how to…” vs. the Professional
This question has been asked to me before, more than once. The question is, "What's the difference between using your team and just using that guy in that one department that learned how to do this a few years ago?" I suppose I'll just pick two key points which make...
How To Surf Like a Professional
I know nothing about actual surfing (the kind that requires you to be in water that comes up past your waist and have good balance). But I do know quite a bit about navigating the world wide web. So I will be your Mr. Miyagi and teach you the ways of the internet,...
Government Shutdown = New Opportunity
During this historic week of the government shut down, I have had a few clients come to me in a stand still, waiting to make decisions on anything. They're halting their business because the government has shut down, losing money by the minute. Which makes me feel...