Web Design

Choosing The Right Domain Name

Choosing a domain name is a design in itself.  The right domain name is just as important as the overall design of your website.  A domain name plays an important role when people find, recall, talk about, or search for your website. A good domain will...

Why You Should Update Your Browser

Is Your Browser Is Too Old? Everyone that uses Web pages on a computer uses a Web browser. This is how you  access sites like Facebook and Twitter.  Many people commonly use the program that opens when you click the big blue “e” icon on your desktop. The “e” icon is...

Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth

I stumbled across a great quote from Michael Arrington, who is the co-editor of TechCrunch.“Product should be a dictatorship, not consensus-driven. There are casualties, hurt feelings, angry users. But all of those things are necessary if you’re going to create...

How Your Content Can Make a Difference

At some point, you have probably heard the saying "content is king" but what does this mean? Content can be tricky. Many times, you don't know your content isn't making the cut until it's too late.  If you have been experiencing any of these problems, it might be...

The Complete Website is One You Can Use.

My department here at Studio98 is training. My favorite part of websites is their actual usability. It is great to have a website that looks good but if you have to constantly pay someone to go through and add all of your pages, content, menu items and blog posts for...

Making A First Impression Last

During a study byUse It,researchers discovered that when it comes to visitors on your website, "the first 10 seconds of the page visit are critical for users' decision to stay or leave."What do those 10 seconds say about you, and how can you make those seconds count?...

Gambling on Cheap Websites

I have had clients in the past that have gotten to the point in their company's life cycle where they must have a custom design. They've grown up out of the cheap template websites or they don't have time to keep being a designer or programmer themselves because their...

How Does Your Website Make You Feel?

Take a minute to think about how you feel regarding your website. Embarrassed? Out of touch? Neglectful? I talk with people all the time who feel these things about their site, yet do nothing to correct it or are out there looking for another mediocre product. Your...

What Can I Do With My Site?

This is one of the most common questions I get from my potential clients. I feel compelled to write about a few things I look for to give suggestions on their websites because it's very simple. Basics are key to success. This is listed more important to least...

Websites Are Your Online Storefronts

It's important to realize that building a custom website is much like building a new storefront for your business. Both require blueprints, proofs, well thought out plans and money. Below are a few points to help address many of the common misconceptions we come...

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