Skip These 5 Form Design Mistakes with a Custom Website Design

custom website design
If customer data is such big business, why do companies sacrifice one of their biggest assets? Unfortunately, they don’t understand the risks of using pre-made forms in their digital strategy.

Custom website design allows companies to continually collect the information they need. With custom forms, you can predict client needs, ramp up sales, retain customers, and drive your overall strategy.

Pre-made forms are a risk you can’t afford. Here are a few of the mistakes you will avoid with a custom solution:

1. Getting Stuck In The (Paper) Past

If you have a form for your business that you’ve been using to collect information for the past 20 years it’s time to start again. Placing a paper design first and then trying to conform to web design is a mistake.

You won’t just sacrifice valuable integration possibilities. You will also be reverse engineering an outdated data collection system.

Start over. Think of the medium of your web design first and then customize around the needs of your customers.

2. Placing The Business First

If you are only talking about being a customer-centric company it may be reflected in your web page form design. A pre-made form asks your customers to conform to a convention that wasn’t designed specifically for your business or their needs.

You can customize a pre-made form all you like but don’t underestimate your customers. They know when they aren’t being placed first.

A customer-centric form will anticipate their needs, questions, concerns, and ease.

3. Not Responsive Across All Platforms

Your custom website absolutely needs to be responsive. The same is true for any forms you are planning to use in your design.

While a premade form may look great across all platforms the question is deeper than that. How easy is it for your form to be completed across platforms?

Remember, without custom website design you may be losing leads and providing poor service to your clients.

4. Poor Integration

Your website form needs to do more than collect information. In order to be effective for your digital strategy, every part of your website design has to be integrated.

Integration is a balancing act. You can’t sacrifice the function of a form for your lead generation, for example.

But a custom approach will be greater than the sum of the parts.

5. Going Overboard

A common mistake companies make when using a pre-made form is using all of the bells and whistles. They believe that using elaborate fonts, drop-down menus, and other tools will make their forms customized.

No amount of adjusting the particulars will make a pre-made form into a custom data collection tool. And that amount of tinkering often backfires.

Auto-advancement, strange fonts, sliced data sets, and other form aspects can serve to make their input more difficult.

Make sure you make the form easy to use for your customers and highly beneficial to your business.

A Custom Website Design for Every Need

Studio98 is the best choice for creating a custom website design. Our specialists will work with you to create an integrated strategy that helps retain existing clients while building new ones.

Don’t risk giving your competitors an unnecessary advantage. Learn more now about how custom web development can transform your site.

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