Find out
As a new company, the most important thing you can do is to get in touch with your potential clients, make sure you know what they need or want and then broadly and repeatedly make it known how your product or service handles these needs and wants.
Our Startup strategy includes helping to generate a list of your potential customer base, doing surveys to find out what they need and want so you can be sure you are hitting the right market with the right message.

Reach out
Based on your survey results we will help put together a campaign to reach as many people in your target market as rapidly as possible with communication. This means reaching out through online advertising, email list building and sending out newsletters as well as cold email outreach. It also includes blogging on your website so that any visitors can see exactly how your company is a perfect fit for their needs.
get sales
The volume of communication going out to your prospects means you will be getting responses that need to be sold. We’ll help you track the responses and work with you to adjust your communication and efforts until you are regularly and repeatedly generating sales. The end result of this strategy will be a new business that has moved from startup to a going concern with an ever increasing base of new clients and revenue.