Why Are Google Reviews Important to My SEO Rankings?

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Everyone knows that Google is the most popular search engine site on the world wide web. Along with getting over 63,000 searches per second, the corporation is also one of the largest targets for digital marketing efforts across the globe. Quality reviews are just one component in getting your website higher search rankings as a part of your premium SEO strategy.

Here’s why your business should start taking Google reviews a little more seriously.

It makes your business look trustworthy

Google reviews play an important role in making your business look like a trustworthy source of information, both in the eyes of Google and your consumers. Many potential shoppers and customers will choose whether or not to patron your business after reading reputable reviews online. While you might trust the opinion of your friend, trusting the unbiased opinion of a third party will encourage even more consumers to patron your business.

On the other side of the coin, Google is more likely to notice businesses with higher reviews, both in terms of volume, quality, and diversity.

This is a vital component in your SEO strategy. According to Moz data, around 9% of Google’s search algorithm is impacted by new consumer reviews. With enough positive reviews, your business could even show up in the coveted “map pack,” which displays location-relevant businesses pertaining to a consumer’s search query. But even if you don’t make it into the map pack, Google is also more likely to recommend websites with highly rated reviews. This is because Google places a higher value on websites that are trustworthy within their field. If your custom website utilizes keywords, has good reviews, and buys strong ads, you’ll look better among other businesses and clients, alike.

It’s easier to find your business

People use Google all the time to find new businesses to patron. The higher you get on Google’s search results, the more likely people will click on your business’s website. In fact, it’s estimated that the first organic hit on the search engine page will receive around 32.5% of the traffic share. With quality reviews driving your business your search rankings, this organic SEO will help bring your business to the top.

It can showcase your commitment to your customers

Even though negative reviews don’t look great, this is a wonderful opportunity to prove that your company is willing to learn from its mistakes. When a bad review rolls through your website, this gives you the chance to rectify a bad situation. Address your customer complaints and explain how your company will improve and apologize for the experience your customer had with your company.

Did you know that over 93% of purchases begin with an online search? When you want to improve your rankings on Google, you need to utilize premium SEO strategies that work for your business. For more information about the benefits of Google reviews and custom website design services, rely on a premium SEO company you can trust: Studio 98.

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