Why Mobile-Friendly Websites Matter

Did you know that over 50% of web searches begin on a mobile device?

If you’ve been debating whether or not to hire a web development and SEO company to improve your online presence, this article is for you. Have you considered the many potential customers who use the internet on their phone as much as on their computer? Or the many people who hardly use a computer for web browsing at all, opting instead to use their phone or tablet while they’re sitting on their couch?

It’s an easy market to forget about, especially when you’ve got your mind full of other business problems you’ve got to take care of. If you aren’t sure your mobile website is quite up to par, or if you haven’t given mobile website visitors much thought at all, keep reading to find out why custom built websites for mobile browsing are so important.

Mobile Internet Users vs. Desktop Users

The first major smartphones started coming out in 2007. By 2016, the number of people using the internet on their mobile devices had surpassed the number of people who were still browsing the web from their PC.

Mobile-Friendliness and Customer Satisfaction

According to Google, if people have trouble accessing a website from their mobile device, or if the site won’t display correctly, 61% of those people probably won’t ever return to your site. A full 40% of them will visit your competitor’s website instead.

Mobile-Friendliness and SEO

If you’re looking for a web development and SEO company, this is an obvious factor to consider. What impact does a mobile-friendly website have on search engine optimization?

Out of all the factors Google considers when it comes to optimizing a website for search, mobile usability is considered the third most important aspect. Google even crawls the mobile version of a website before it looks at the desktop version. This means its first impression will come from the quality of your mobile site — regardless of how excellent your site performs on a desktop.

Mobile-Friendliness and Content

Using a well-crafted responsive website design will ensure that all of your online content, such as images, videos, and blog posts, transitions smoothly over the mobile browsing experience. Because there’s such a limited amount of space available on a phone screen, the text is a particularly important consideration.

When you’re writing or buying textual content for your custom business website, you must try to be purposeful, concise, and highly readable. Use headers and bold text to help your readers effectively navigate through the information. Calls to action are especially critical on mobile. Your visitors need to know exactly what you’re asking them to do, exactly why they should do it, and exactly how to do it.

This is another area where your web development and SEO company can help you stand out.

How Do Your Customers Browse?

Before you start working with a web development and SEO company, it’s important to know who your target customers are and how those people use the internet. It may be that people in your particular industry don’t actually use mobile websites for much and your true priority should be your desktop site performance.

However, with tablets becoming more prevalent among professional users, this is becoming more and more unusual. In any case, you need to learn about your buyers’ personas and find out how people generally like to use your website and the sites of your competitors.

When you’re trying to stay afloat in a competitive marketplace, the most important thing you have is information. This includes information about your products, your company, and information for content marketing. But even if you have the best content on the internet, it won’t do you any good if two-thirds of your audience can’t benefit from it because you aren’t mobile-ready.

A mobile-ready website is something every modern business needs. Get in touch with web design services today, and get this part of your business up to par.

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