Why Simple is The Best

Many times when a business decides to redesign or create a new website the first thought they may have is: “How do I make my business stand out?”. As a business you may think that your site needs to be busy and have lots of “pop” or “pizazz” in order to make people remember your site and what you do. However when it comes to website design, simplicity can be the best and really make you stand out among the crowd. There are a few things that you can do to keep your design simple but very memorable.

  • Take a look at a flat design: A Flat design is a minimalist design that has elements such as clean easy to read font, a lot of negative space, flat colors, and easy to navigate features. The benefits of a flat design are that it’s easy to convey and present information while keeping the design appealing and approachable.


  • Reduce 3D effects, gradients, and shadows: All of these things could be used sparingly on a design but too many of them will clutter up a page and make it hard to navigate, hard to get information and be too busy on the viewer’s eyes.


  • Consider using static images rather than a slider: A slider is a great idea to get a lot of information in a small amount of space but if done wrong they can be distracting and can cause clutter. Take a look at our blog: To Slide or Not To Slide, to get additional ideas to do on your site.

These are just a few reasons why simple is the best. Remember the less busy a design is the more your viewer will be able to focus on your content and what you can do as a company.

It’s almost always a great idea to have a simple design with bright colors, lots of images, and great content. By doing this, you will definitely stand out among the crowd.

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